
The cost of college climbs every year, leaving higher education out of reach for many low-income students, and forcing others to work long hours to pay for school and living expenses.


PCF awards every scholar with a renewable scholarship, which helps fill their financial aid gap and allows them to focus on their studies.

To fund a scholarship for one of our promising young scholars, please see our donation page.

In order to receive the scholarship each year, scholars must remain enrolled in college full-time, maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, attend all PCF college and career training events, provide PCF with transcripts and updates each term, and communicate with their mentor and PCF staff on a regular basis.

As of 2021:

  • $3.77M

    PCF Scholarship funds awarded

  • 448

    PCF Scholarship recipients

  • 170+

    PCF Graduates

Success in College and Beyond
Success in College and Beyond